April Driver of the Month!
This month’s Driver of the Month is George B.!
- Tell us a little about yourself…
I have now been driving, with Pero Transport, again, since November of 2021 and have been driving for 16 years, now. I was born in Detroit, MI and raised there and in southwest, MI. I married my wife, in 2006, in which I gained a daughter and now have 3 grand-daughters, as well.
- What do you like to do, when you’re not at work?
My greatest pleasure, when I’m not at work, is spending as much time with my grand-daughter’s. I also enjoy golfing and of course, riding my motorcycle, as much as the weather will allow. I also have a love for Jesus and my motorcycle group, which I am very active in and this keeps me pretty busy, on my free time.
- What do you like most about working for Pero Transport?
The best part about working for Pero Transport, is being able to have my time at home, with my family and not being stuck on the road, somewhere. The workplace is like a family and everyone helps everyone.
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